migration of the prophet mohammed(pbuh) - المشتاقة الى رسول الله

5 ديسمبر 2022
Migration of the Prophet to Yathrib mechanisms
imposed by the need to call for the launch of
the new religionStayed Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon himin Mecca
thirteen years , calls people to Islamand
Ibasserhm Bshraeanand helps them to its
provisions , without divulging the monotony or
boredom or fatigue wounds , not acting on his
concerns , Delivery is not dissuaded by the
promise or Eid. but it is moving in a way,
surrounding Inayatullah and Taklah mercy , not
able to find the means of communication used by
invitation only , do not create a success unless
the causes , methods section, stopping at every
gathering , The call on the tribes; Perhaps one
believes in and sustainedThe security of some
people call the new Mecca. those who nominated
them , described mercy , religious passion and
matured, Valtvoa on their Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon himThe security of
anumber of slaves and loyal and vulnerable in
Mecca . Not that Mecca for this new religion in
the first instancepromised prophet Mohammed ,
peace and blessings be upon him and his
entourage set of Hanfa who appear and then
disappear without even looking at them one But
impossible The people of Mecca and sensed
danger . when they found themselves in front of
another man , and calling different , The group is
composed, and read the book, The letter was
growing and its backers are slowly making
inroads among the corridors and mountains of
Mecca and minds of its people , and confused by
which they are made, Not only that but,
lamented the matter began Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him , attacking the
pagan idols and Wrong, The discrediting of
worship , Here Mecca felt that the position of
religious and spiritual leadership in danger ,
resorted to face debt- Walid , The besieged by all
means to ensure emption and eliminate it , No
qualms in the use of torture , murder and
imprisonment of believers with the prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and
his call , No recognizes Prophet Muhammad, God' s
peace and blessings of the same injury, and his
life was in danger
Migration to EthiopiaThe exit from the crisis
While much suffering holders of Prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and
achieve their goals. instructed migration to
Ethiopia ", the king does not do harm to the
true one, It is the land of sincerity, even God
makes you a a relief, which you are in it , a
group of Muslims broke out to the land of
Ethiopia ; fearing sedition, and fled to God their
religion , the first migration was in Islam And
thinking of Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him , in Abyssinia involves
extensive knowledge of the holy prophet
conditions of the Arabian peninsula the political
trends, there was no better place for the
protection and accommodation of Abyssinia , Arab
tribes Bakrish has close relations , strong ties
and prevent them from receiving those Muslims
if Think of immigration , Yemen and the country
unstable Turmus competition between the
Persians and the Romans , and the conflict
between Judaism and Christianity , There were
no cities in the Arabian Peninsula serve as the
appropriate place to house them , even Yathrib,
which received the same Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him , then , He lived
by their own - not fit the other at this time to
receive migrants, where were torn internal
disagreements, The conflicts between tribes . A
total of three emigrated to Ethiopia and the
80 th man
introductions exodus .
If the terrain currently governed by the king
just fit to be a good shelter and a place for the
protection, it was not fit to be the center of
the invitation , The stronghold of religion , This
is not thinking of Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him , to emigrate to, It
continued to call on the Arab tribes that had
come to Mecca Quraish did not impact calls in a
calm , but traced step , tribes warn of call and
worst of it However , the tireless quest
Prophet , He was also eager to call the service
must be brought to fruition , blossomed invited
to the hearts of six men from Alkhozorg,
Vaslmwa O' doh call of Islam in Yathrib, The
Barwah win if it is to meet him tribes yathrib
No sooner lapse in even Avi Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him in the
pilgrimage season , twelve men : nine Alkhozorg
and three of Alaus, The sell them knew sell the
first hurdle, the "only God allow something, or
steal , weigh in and kill their children.
And sent them when returned to their Musab
bin Umair , It was a great advocate , scholar in
religion , for Paga imbalance, Halima companion ,
a patiently , Venjeh in his great success , The
spread of Islam in each house there . and paved
the way for the house of Yathrib is
immigration, that depends on the Muslims , The
stronghold of the religion and the state.
After Musab returned in the Haj season . along
with Seventy- three men and two women , met
the Prophet Muhammad, God' s peace and
blessings in one night and secretly sold Baiaoh
second obstacle , that included the protection of
their Prophet Muhammad when migrate to them
and defend , and the preservation of life Hence
identified pledge legal status of the Prophet
Muhammad God' s peace and blessings of the
people of Yathrib, she found one of them , blood
kadmahm and the wisdom of Khekmahm , It
ordered the release of one of the people
implicitly Mecca. The transition to the
subordination of the people of Yathrib, For this
concealed Almetbaiaon is this allegiance to the
Quraish ; because the period between the
completion of this pledge allegiance to the
Quraish ; because the period between the
completion of this pledge Osoulhsali and peace
and blessings be upon him , not commit to the
protection of the people of Yathrib which Nabi
Karim if the hated him or injury of the Quraish
Processing for migration .
And after the pledge was blessed Prophet
Muhammad his friends migrating to the city . So
individuals and groups , masked by the fear it
self and announcing the find in the same
capacity for the challenge .
Quraish did not stand on immigration idly , tried
to respond able to reply for Tftneh in religion
or torment him or execute it , but to no avail,
most Muslims have emigrated, He remained
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon
him , in Mecca. Quraish occurred in a dilemma :
Will the in Mecca as he did in migration to
Ethiopia . Or migrate this time with his friends ?
In this great risk to them because it can be
regulated in Yathrib his group, and assess its
state. Quraish Ftthidd place between tribes,
and lost its leadership the affected trade .
Quraish art form , and took the decision to kill
the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be
upon him , before they get the opportunity in
their hands, This is nothing to fear. Fadoua
their conspiracy for this purpose despicable, all
tribes are involved in murder, select strong
among young sons , even disperse blood in the
tribes, Hashim beings and powerless to fight the
people of Mecca .
Immigration accident The reasons for success
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be
upon him every reason to ensure the success of
immigrant to the city that resulted in the
establishment of the state of Islam. The
spread , and the brightness of its civilization ,
Perhaps the most important reason was his
success in the preparation of the place would be
meted out is the owners, using every possible
means of closer relations with the people of
Yathrib holding two great, and sending a great
advocate of efficiency, strong faith. very
sincerity; for the propagation of religion , and
attract followers there. The second reason of
the reasons for success is to choose the right
time for Migration , no IFRC Prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him , to emigrate

ascertained only after the assertion of faith in
the people of Yathrib, and their commitment to
protect and defend, and in the sale of second
obstacle , Thus there was no longer a need to
stay in Mecca after that found Nasra and power
when the people of yathrib The third reason is
the migration mechanisms used by the Prophet
Muhammad in his release from Mecca to Medina ,
in one of what is known to date adventure for
the sake of right and conscience, belief and the
magnificence , The details of such migration
mentioned in the written curriculum, We do not
need to be told now , But one can say that it
was the secret to the fullest extent , and
accurate to the fullest extent , laid Prophet
Muhammad all human beings can and energy
means and ensure their success, The plans have
been reconciled, if that does not succed the
whole there would Inayatullah at the
appropriate moment .
the messenger in el madina .
Once the Prophet arrived in elmadina sacrificed
on Monday , approved (12 of the first spring for
the first year of immigration approved
September 24 to 622 m ) even started working
hard, The relentless pursuit , even his fullest in
a way that does not unprecedented in the
history of huma